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Didn't get days for Facebook Like
17.10.14 at 11:34 AM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 27.08.14

Didn't get days for Facebook Like

i have reached max days for today, saw the screen that I will get +10 tomorrow, or i could play multiplayer, or press Facebook Like on the main page (to get 100 days) or buy it.

I have clicked Facebook like (even few times) but haven't got any additional days.
As well got some error if I wanted to buy days.

"Sorry, you have no in-game-days left. Every day, you get 10 new in-game-days. Or just play a multiplayer game. Or click the Facebook Like button on the startpage to get 100 in-game-days.

Alternatively, you can buy extra in-game-days here."

02.11.14 at 11:28 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

You can buy in-game-days now, this bug is fixed.
Did you get your 100 days for Facebook Like? You only get them once. The database flag says you have got your reward for liking the game.

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