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Gaming not possible for now
04.03.10 at 07:56 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Gaming not possible for now

I'm afraid to inform you that playing Mad TV isn't possible for now on. The games needs too much performance and affects other accounts on this server, you can guess my ISP isn't happy about that!
Mad TV has too much fans Smilie My ISP hosted this page on a high performance server, for that I had to pay 5 € a day in addition to the basic server costs.
I think, for 100 € a month I can rent a server with sufficient power, but I'm not about to pay that on my own. The only thing what's possible is to accept donations, so when I collected 1000 € I will rent a server for a year. You want to donate?

Up to now: 120 / 1000 €*

Of course I will look for other solutions to solve this problem, perhaps I find a sponsor or s.th. else...
Not all parts of the website are shut down, only the singleplayer and multiplayer game! To some exclusive users I can still grant access, so write me, if you think, you earn it Smilie

*EDIT 13.06.:
Gaming is possible again, due to ISP aixit, which provided two servers. Thank you for donating, I will use the donations for running costs of Mad TV.
08.03.10 at 10:12 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 08.03.10

You might want to look in to hosting with dreamhost.com -- they have unlimited bandwidth plans that run US$10.95/month (Google says that's around 8.05 €).  The prices they have for other services are quite low as well and I've never had a problem with their service.  Certainly worth looking in to!
11.03.10 at 07:35 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Thanks for the hint. But I need at last this solution: http://www.dreamhost.com/hosting-dedicated.html
That's for 69 $ a month. But the server should stay in germany, because 90% of the players are german.

I have had many hosting solutions for now, but they had all too less power.
13.03.10 at 04:09 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 13.03.10

I just discover this site, and with my friends wana play. Please, find sollution. Add comercial, google ads, or somthing to make money. We promise to click everyday. Right gyus?
04.04.10 at 02:23 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 2
Joined: 09.04.07

maybe you should try in game advertisment?? the topic of this game is very attractive, you know this whole tv world andin-game ads, check in google there's a lot of that platforms... good luck and hope game will back soon, 'cause i want to play some timeSmilie
20.04.10 at 06:53 AM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 20.04.10

Thats just sad

Hey guys i just found out about this. I`m a big fan of madtv , it was great . I recently tried MUD Tv but it kinda sucks. its just another commercial game. And when i found this i was so amazed , happy. But now that i`ve seen its offline i`m kinda sad again. Please dont let it die. It is absolutely amazing.
27.05.10 at 04:58 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 27.05.10

We are just 1 year shy of MadTv's 20th anniversary !!!! The SHOW MUST GO ON !!!

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