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Some general questions
25.11.08 at 06:50 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 3
Joined: 24.11.08

Some general questions

I can see that most of the active members here are german, and understandably the dialogue aswell.
But I'd really like a few answers which I'm wondering about!

1. 5 playdays per real day dilemma!
I know there have been discussions on this in the past(in german), and that you concluded with not increasing this amount, but rather award extra play-days for members helping out in one way or the other. I've seen that you have given extra play days for people reporting bugs, but I wanna know if there are other ways of earning extra play days? I've seen a topic on this aswell(again, in german), but can't really understand german that well Smilie

2. Adding new stuff to the game?

Is it hard adding new things to the game?
Firstly, I was just thinking about adding new movies, series etc?
Of course, the movies have to be from the same period or older, but just to give more options as to what movies we want to broadcast? Same goes for advertisements(with other requirements than the standard min. ratings)

3. A clarification regarding the post "Announcements - Calculations of watchers"

I can see alot of posts after the original post talking about hours interest influence, with different %-values than those listed in the original, and even new ones for different kinds of series. Again, it's all in german, so I'm having trouble understanding it all. If sventB or someone else can translate that into english, I'd be very thankful.

4. Special movie ? What does it mean -

I looked in the database and noticed that movies can be "special movies" - how does this influence ratings?

Hope someone can answer my questions Smilie Thanks

26.11.08 at 02:01 PM Quote Edit Report
Silver Member



Posts: 232
Joined: 22.09.08

1) I'think beacause of TWA, the right holder of the original Mad TV. At the Moment the game ist free, that's agreed with them. But if you pay for extra days, you'll earn money whitch this game an i suppose thats not desired by TWA. But i think, Svent can answer the question more exactly.

2) Svent is planning already an enlargement of the movie database, also for using by the players. But i don't know when it's done.

3) I remember Svent said that he updated the first post, if some changes in calculation of watchers where included.

4) Hmm... I don't what you mean Smilie Where did you find this?

Regards Odi
26.11.08 at 03:06 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 3
Joined: 24.11.08

Thanks for the answers Odi Smilie

If you go to the database, and look at movies(just pick a random one), you can see information about the movie. It also says if the movie is X-rated etc. AND if it's a Special movie.
Any1 else knows what this means?
26.11.08 at 05:21 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Hello cutmore,

1) you get extra days if you report bugs, as you said, or if you help this browsergame in some different way, e.g. help to develop (no programming but new graphics for example) or if you make this game more popular (write an article in your blog or in a forum, write a news article for a browsergame related website, ...).

I think this is your chance: You can speak and write english and this browsergame has too less english speaking players, so please promote it Smilie

2) Actual, I'm developing an interface, so every user can add new movies an ads into the database Smilie

3) yes, I always update first post Smilie

4) "special movies" are movies sold via auction. Click on the guy in the movie agency to see the "Special movies"

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