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Production went awry
30.09.07 at 03:22 PM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 19
Joined: 29.09.07

Production went awry

So I've tried producing "Let's talk". As I clicked "End day", I got that:

Array ( [file] => /xxx/madtv/screen_television_program_action.php [line] => 342 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => INSERT [1] => deluxebb_pm [2] => '', 'Kikki', 'MadTV', 'production completed', 'An important message for Kikki

The studio on floor 6 reports:
The Let's talk! production has been completed today and is already in the library. For other productions please check immediately!', 'smile.gif', 'no', 1191165516, 'inbox' ) ) 1

query -> INSERT INTO deluxebb_pm VALUES ('', 'Kikki', 'MadTV', 'production completed', 'An important message for Kikki

The studio on floor 6 reports:
The Let's talk! production has been completed today and is already in the library. For other productions please check immediately!', 'smile.gif', 'no', 1191165516, 'inbox') <- fails:
Fehler in der SQL-Syntax. Bitte die korrekte Syntax im Handbuch nachschlagen bei 's talk! production has been completed today and is already in the librar' in Zeile 1

PS. After reloading, you can play further, so it's not critical
05.10.07 at 03:26 PM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 6
Joined: 27.02.07

When I clicked end day, I encountered the same error while producing "Let's talk". Then, I returned to the game, and I reclicked end day. Let's Show is also in my library, and there is no other effect to the game except 1 blank page.
08.10.07 at 07:23 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Thanks for this report, I will fix it at once. Gave you +10 days
08.10.07 at 11:08 AM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 19
Joined: 29.09.07

Thanks a lot!

More fun stuff - try to "give back" an actor or set in the supermarket (double-click on an already-purchased item) and SQL error messages appear in the background...
15.12.07 at 01:33 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 01.11.07

Let's travell

When I put Let's travel in television progam and I click and day apper the page below.
Maybe is the ' character that in SQL means string.
If I click end day a second time it work fine.

Page Error:

Array ( [file] => /var/www/web1396/html/madtv/screen_television_program_action.php [line] => 342 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => INSERT [1] => deluxebb_pm [2] => '', 'bit', 'MadTV', 'production completed', 'An important message for bit

The studio on floor 3 reports:
The Let's travel! production has been completed today and is already in the library. For other productions please check immediately!', 'smile.gif', 'no', 1197407797, 'inbox' ) ) 1

query -> INSERT INTO deluxebb_pm VALUES ('', 'bit', 'MadTV', 'production completed', 'An important message for bit

The studio on floor 3 reports:
The Let's travel! production has been completed today and is already in the library. For other productions please check immediately!', 'smile.gif', 'no', 1197407797, 'inbox') <- fails:
Fehler in der SQL-Syntax. Bitte die korrekte Syntax im Handbuch nachschlagen bei 's travel! production has been completed today and is already in the libr' in Zeile 1

17.12.07 at 12:30 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Thanks for this report, I will have a look at it.
25.01.08 at 11:47 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Will be fixed in upcoming version
02.05.08 at 03:59 AM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 4
Joined: 01.05.08

Let's talk or...

Array( [file] => /var/www/web1396/html/madtv/inc/madtv_screenplay.class.php [line] => 116 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT [1] => film_needs [2] => * [3] => id = mc AND type = 'mc' ))1

query -> SELECT * FROM film_needs WHERE id = mc AND type = 'mc' <- fails:
Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld 'mc' in where clause

I got this when producing Let's talk and then clicked on other script I had in studio, this apparently removed the production but when I exited the studio, and ended the day got this. Please have a look...
20.05.08 at 08:43 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Hi Swege, can't find an error with "Let's talk".
Can you please give me more informations how you get this error. I made an update this last week, perhaps the error is fixed with it.

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