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Sunshine Team - The Shine Of Old Games
30.09.06 at 07:38 AM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 9
Joined: 30.09.06

Sunshine Team - The Shine Of Old Games

   My name is Geangalau Andy and I have started a project that will re-make old games. The name of the project is "Sunshine Team" and the motto is "The shine of old games".
When I first trought of this project I wanted to re-make firstly MadTV and it has still stayed the first to re-make. Unfortunately I can`t do all the things in it alone, and I need to request some people to help me. So if you know C/C++ coding language, music composing or you know to make good pixel art and you want to join us and to help please send me a e-mail at andyblah@hotmail.com and give me your details.
   Unfortunately I cannot offer any payment but who is interested I can give a full domain for 1-2 years or more.
Sorry if this sounds a little bit as spam but I assure you that it isn`t ment on this way By Drag&Drop
Feel free to move this topic if it isn`t in the correct area of the forums.


Visit us at <a target="_self" href="http://http//sunshineteam.org">Sunshine Team ORG.</a> !<br /><span cla="" />
02.10.06 at 09:50 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

There's already a remake of MadTV: TV Gigant (http://www.tvgigant.de/)
And this project isn't dead after all Smilie
You know this?
21.10.06 at 06:24 PM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 9
Joined: 30.09.06

As a matter of fact I really know about that project and another one for MadTV, but I plan something different. I will use 2D pixelated graphics in isometric projection, plus that I will add some improvements in the gameplay.

Visit us at <a target="_self" href="http://http//sunshineteam.org">Sunshine Team ORG.</a> !<br /><span cla="" />
16.03.08 at 08:28 PM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 9
Joined: 30.09.06

Sorry for bumping, but I was wondering if somebody would be still interested.

Visit us at <a target="_self" href="http://http//sunshineteam.org">Sunshine Team ORG.</a> !<br /><span cla="" />
05.05.08 at 04:06 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 04.05.08

Andy Blah is a very weird man who likes to threaten people. I recommend avoiding him and his forum at all costs.
06.05.08 at 08:46 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Why that? What did he do to you?
05.08.09 at 06:04 PM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 9
Joined: 30.09.06

Not sure what he is talking about, maybe he is confusing me with somebody else that has the same name, there are other people who seem to have an nick-name simmilar to mine

Visit us at <a target="_self" href="http://http//sunshineteam.org">Sunshine Team ORG.</a> !<br /><span cla="" />
09.08.10 at 07:17 AM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


Posts: 6
Joined: 09.08.10

I think you would be viewed as competition....Thus you are in the wrong forum mate...
08.06.11 at 11:22 PM Quote Edit Report


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Joined: 08.06.11

I never heard of the remake.Smilie

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22.12.11 at 08:41 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 22.12.11


There's already a remake of MadTV: TV Gigant (http://www.tvgigant.de/)
And this project isn't dead after all Smilie
You know this?

I didn't know, thanks for the link mate.

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